Jude Peters - Shifting Reality
Jude has always been a dedicated learner with a passion for excitement. His early focus on skateboarding and snowboarding with an analytical approach to development led him to remarkable, rapid progress. His path to professional board sports was interrupted with a chance trip to a motor show. Exposure to motor racing ignited a new passion and focus.
Starting with nothing more than a low-cost wheel attached to his desk, a new journey had begun. Quietly, with dedication and determination, Jude learned what it takes to be a fast SIM racer. With equal determination he pushed his parents to find a way to get him in a car. Despite reservations that the ability in a virtual environment could not simply translate to the real world, Jude set about quieting his strongest critic, his father. Repeatedly demonstrating that he could take his technical and intuitive driving knowledge and transfer it directly to the real world, eventually he convinced his parents to support his desire for real racing. The first real evidence of his capability was when he took the lap record at the Ginetta factory SIM facility, beating their factory driver.
Based on this achievement, Jude attended a single test day in a real Ginetta junior car in preparation for the Ginetta Scholarship competition in October 2023. In his first outing, Jude left bystanders dumbfounded that he had never driven the car before. Throughout the day he improved, getting faster and faster and was soon on the pace of the previous years winning drivers. Key to Jude’s success is his desire to learn, willingness to listen and ability to immediately apply what instructors are telling him.
The team and coach were effusive with feedback that his style was fast, and smooth, and that it was hard to believe he had done so well with so little experience. Reality was shifting for some very experienced members of the racing community. At this point he was described as one of the best juniors the coach had seen in 10 years of coaching.
Evidence of success on track made it harder to deny Jude the chance to compete in the real world. He doubled down his focus on the SIM, knowing now, undeniably that his virtual training program translated directly to real world success.
The Ginetta Scholarship beckoned. With the same dedication that has led Jude to be an A/A* student he prepared for the three areas to be tested, Driving, Fitness and Media.
On the day of the scholarship, an intimidating group of experienced drivers including British and European karting champions were assembled. Jude’s driving and Media skills stood out, and he quickly moved to the final day. As he settled into the competition, Jude blossomed and showed how he’s not just passionate about driving, it is what he is destined to do. His whole personality lit up and he was the best Media student on the day and progressed through to the final 4. People commented on how engaging he was on and off the track, clearly loving every minute of the process.
Knowing that he could leave nothing on the track, Jude gave the performance of his life, and left the car after the final, timed shootout with the biggest smile on his face and commenting that ‘I left it all out there, there’s nothing more I could do. If I don’t win, I know I’ve done all I could, and I’m happy with that’. And then … the winner announced, Jude Peters is the Ginetta Scholar for 2024.
And this is where Jude’s racing story really begins. Having overwhelmingly demonstrated that he can take what he trains for and dedicates himself to in the virtual, SIM world and translate it to success in the real world. His desire, willingness to learn and ability to apply what he’s learned, whether that be driving, or representing himself or sponsors in a media environment, Jude has shifted what’s possible to achieve. With no dedicated ‘gamer to pro’ program, just his own passion and determination, Jude has migrated from the virtual to the real world winning the most prestigious junior racing scholarship against experienced competition.
As someone with a remarkable story of how he broke into motor racing, Jude has already shifted reality for a number of people. Challenging what is considered ‘the norm’ or what is ‘required’ to be successful in motor racing.
Jude has demonstrated that focused, consistent commitment off track can translate into success on track. His demonstration of the ability to migrate skills from the virtual to the real world has unsettled an existing reality and changed opinions.
His continued commitment will aim to further shift the reality of racing and demonstrate how this alternate approach can translate to real-life success and inspire others.